Dry Film Photo Resist Stripper Solution


Dry Film Photo resist Stripper solution to remove Dry Film Photo resist from Metal Etched Parts.

Due to the Hazardous nature of this product, if ordering for export overseas please contact us and do not order online as extra freight charges may be applicable.

Dry Film Photo resist stripper solution to remove Dry Film Photo resist from most alkaline processed resists such as our range of Dry Film Photoresist.

Suitable Parts include Metal Etched/Chemically Milled Parts as well as Printed circuit board material such as Copper FR4 or Fotoboard.  Ideally used in a resist stripping tank at 45-50 degrees Celcius.

Due to the Hazardous nature of this product, if ordering for export overseas please contact us and do not order online as extra freight charges may be applicable.

1 litre stripper concentrate makes a 5 litre working solution


Weight 2 kg